
Resources on a

 Nature-Positive Economy

A Nature-Positive Economy (NPE) seeks to promote prosperity while protecting and restoring the natural world we depend on. It creates opportunities for innovation, job creation, and food security while reducing the risks linked to nature loss.

We have developed a Concept Note and 5 Key Messages to outline what a nature-positive economy could look like. These resources are intended for businesses, NGOs, nature-based enterprises, policymakers, researchers, standards bodies, financial institutions, local communities, and citizens as a framework for action.

The Concept Note is available in English, while the Executive Summary and 5 Key Messages are provided in various formats and languages below.

Resources on a Nature-Positive Economy

Explore these resources to discover the vision and potential of a nature-positive economy.

5 Key Messages
One-pager visualising the five key messages of the NPE.

Slide Deck
A short presentation with more information on each of the key messages.

Executive Summary
A twelve-page summary document explaining the concept note.

Concept Note
Fifty-page document with appendices for an in-depth read.